
How to wear flower hair accessories

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Stylish flower hair accessories are the hottest hair accessory trend now. Not only are they girly and feminine, they are also very bohemian. Let’s think around events such as Blankets and wine, music festivals and picnics. Add a playful vibe to your hair with flower or a crown.


They also work well with short hair

But before you start clipping in the flowers, make sure you know the right — and wrong — ways to accessorize. An inch here or there can make a difference between Hot and Not!


Add a playful vibe to your festival look with a flower crown

Flower accessories look best worn lower than the eye in the front of the face or lower than the ear in the back of the head on a bun. Flowers worn too high on the head look old-fashioned and lose their artistic appeal.Worse yet are ones worn on the middle of the forehead.

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